PATIENCE is a virtue. . .
Well, it turns out that I went on vacation too. Just to show that I'm not entirely crazy, I want to let you know that this posting will be open for comments until 6:30 AM Tuesday morning.
I've been thinking during the break about why so many of us resent Dante for his Inferno. It is pretty arrogant, when you think about it, to create a Hell and then assign people to it. Although you all have one a similar thing with your previous post. You stated your values by articulating what you think might be considered a "sin" in the future.
I think we need to look at Inferno in a different light. Let's look at what Dante considers to be BAD, and conclude from that what Dante considers to be GOOD. For instance:
Dante condemns the Carnal NOT for their sexual behavior, but for the fact that they let their sexuality rule their behavior. The Carnal aren't punished for having sex. They are punished for letting sex take over their reason, decision making, and responsibility.
THEREFORE: We can conclude that Dante sees DISCIPLINE as virtuous. He has no problem with sex. After all it was given to us by God. Rather, he sees how we can damage ourselves and others if we do not exercise some discipline over our sexual appetite.
There you have it. Dante sees DISCIPLINE as virtuous. (The same case can be made with the Gluttons).
Your job is to scan what you have read so far, look through your journals, and come up with 5 VIRTUES that you can derive from your reading. In other words, examine the sins and tell me what Dante considers to be virtuous.
You must support each virtue with a brief analysis of a Canto. YOU MAY NOT USE THE SAME CANTO MORE THAN ONCE.
Go forth an be brilliant (before 6:30 Tuesday morning)!
I've been thinking during the break about why so many of us resent Dante for his Inferno. It is pretty arrogant, when you think about it, to create a Hell and then assign people to it. Although you all have one a similar thing with your previous post. You stated your values by articulating what you think might be considered a "sin" in the future.
I think we need to look at Inferno in a different light. Let's look at what Dante considers to be BAD, and conclude from that what Dante considers to be GOOD. For instance:
Dante condemns the Carnal NOT for their sexual behavior, but for the fact that they let their sexuality rule their behavior. The Carnal aren't punished for having sex. They are punished for letting sex take over their reason, decision making, and responsibility.
THEREFORE: We can conclude that Dante sees DISCIPLINE as virtuous. He has no problem with sex. After all it was given to us by God. Rather, he sees how we can damage ourselves and others if we do not exercise some discipline over our sexual appetite.
There you have it. Dante sees DISCIPLINE as virtuous. (The same case can be made with the Gluttons).
Your job is to scan what you have read so far, look through your journals, and come up with 5 VIRTUES that you can derive from your reading. In other words, examine the sins and tell me what Dante considers to be virtuous.
You must support each virtue with a brief analysis of a Canto. YOU MAY NOT USE THE SAME CANTO MORE THAN ONCE.
Go forth an be brilliant (before 6:30 Tuesday morning)!
Shanley Wang
Period 6
1. With the Heretics (Canto X) Dante is damning these people for not believing in the afterlife. Not a problem, except they used that as an excuse to do bad things in life. Dante's virtue for this is responsibility. Although someone doesn't believe in the immortality of the soul does not mean that person can get away with poor life choices.
2. Integrity. The sinners in the Vestibule (Canto III) are guilty of not sticking to morals. Dante is condemning those for being weak in commitment.
3. In Cantos VII and VIII, the wrathful are being punished for being much that they were consumed by it. Easily, the virtue Dante considers to be good is tolerance, not physical or the kind where the anger remains, but the kind where anger doesn't even boil up.
4. While the real liars lie in the ninth circle (pun unintended at first, but left there on purpose), some are in Canto XVIII. The panderers and seducers and the flatterers deceived people to meet their ends, and Dante gives them bad punishment for it. The virtue is honesty.
5. The suicides are punished because they threw away the gifts God gave them intentionally. (Canto XIII) Besides the usual love for God, Dante sees self-worth as a virtue, because if you have worth in yourself, you have worth in God by the transitive property.
1.Dante punishes the suicides in Canto 13 because Dante values the body and human reason. Dante believes that God's gifts are the most precious things on Earth. You cannot simply throw them away and if you do you are ultimately disrespecting God.
2.In Canto 24 and 25, Dante punishes thieves. Stealing in Jewish religion is against the Ten Commandments. In Dante's mind, stealing is a version of Fraud. What does that mean? Dante values that people cannot take away other peoples things because it is a sin.
3.Herecy. The ultimate offense to God. Believing he is not real or that the afterlife is not real. In Canto 10, Dante punishes the Heretics because he values the belief that God really does exist and that there is a supernatural being looking over us(God).
4.The most harshly punished sin in Dante's Inferno is the treachorous. In the last cantos of the book, in Coccytus three sinners are there and punished. Judas, Brutus, and Cassius. These three are punished in the deepest circle of Hell because Dante values that going against what you believe or betrayal is one of the worst sins.
5.The last thing that Dante values is integrity. In the Vestibule (Canto 3), the sinners are there because they did not stick to what they valued themselves or morals. Dante is condemming those for being weak in their committment to themselves and maybe their commitment to God.
-Russell Tuchman
-Period 4
Benjamin "Virgil" Baker said:
1. Giving. Dante is big on charity. Several of the sinners are in Hell due to money related sins, but the harshestly punished is the thieves (Canto XXIV). They TAKE money, instead of GIVING money, and therefore their loins are attacked by snakes.
2. Shanley was right about Dante being pro-honesty, but wrong supporting cantos. In Canto XXIII, Dante punishes hypocrites, those who are not truthful to what they say. And in that same canto, Malacoda lies. GASP! So practice what you preach, and preach the truth. Says Dante.
3. Pride is also a biggie in Dante's eyes. Think about two cantos, Cantos VII and XIII (sullen/suicides). These specifically tackle pride in one's self, and if you don't have it, you rot in Hell. Dante is also making himself better (aka getting more pride in himself) by taking this informative journey through HELL.
4. It means sunshine on a cloudy day. When it's cold outside, it'll still feel like the month of May. I guess you say, what could make someone feel this way? Hope. The very first sin we encounter is punished by a lack of hope (Canto IV). And throughout Dante's journey, he has hope that everything will end up A, OK.
5. Loyalty. Herecy is a no-no (Canto X). And what is anti-herecy? Loyalty. Those who are loyal shan't burn in Hell without being able move, so be loyal.
Good for Dante.
Eric Singer
Period 4
1. In Canto VII Dante encounters the hoarders and wasters. The sin is obviouse. I bleieve the corresponding virtue is moderation. Symilar to discipline, but a little more specific. Basically living a composed and balanced life.
2. In Canto X the sin is herecy, or a denial of the afterlife. The virtuehere is faith. Dante already adressed non Christians (virtuous pagans), yet he chose to include the sin is herecy. Therefor, i believe this sin is tied to a lack of commitment, and the corresponding virtue would have to be faith.
3. Dante adresses the sin of violence in several ways. In Canto XII Dante specifically adresses the sin of violence against neighbors. Therefore I believe the virtue here is human kindness.
4.In Canto XVIII the sinners are panderers and seducers. These souls are being punished for exploiting others for personal gain, and then disregarding them. I believe the virtue here is loyalty.
5. In Canto XX Dante adresses the "sin" of fortune telling. Dante is saying that these people essentially stepped on God's toes by attempting to learn what only He is meant to know. Although this is a sin i don't agree with. i believe the virtue that Dante is referencing would be acceptance (of God's will), or more specifically obediance
Jen-knee La Van
Period 6
1. Canto VII-The Hoarders and the Wasters were being punished because they lacked moderation regulating their expenses. A virture that can come out of this sin, is having responsibility.
2. Canto XII-The Violent Against Neighbors were being punished because they "all shed the blood of their fellowmen" (look, i just intergrated!). A virture is respect.
3. Respect is also a virture in Canto XIII, where the sinners are violent against themselves.
4. Canto XVIII, the panderers and the seducers are being punished because they "groaded others on to serve their own foul purposes". A virture would be dignity.
5. Canto VIII, The Wrathful, who are consumed with anger that a virture for this can be compassion.
1. Canto 24, The virtue would be honesty, and self control.
2. Vestibule, The virtue would be...that in life the person was giving and (for the lack of a better word) "un-sneaky"
3. The hoarders and wasters are punished because they gave and took to an extreme. virtues for the hoarders and the wasters would be putting a limit on how much one hoards (takes) or wastes (gives).
or self control.
4. The virtue for sodomites would be...not being homosexual, and having sex for the purpose of recreation.
5. And the virtue for fortune telling would simply be NOT LOOKING INTO THE FUTURE. or putting a restriction on your curiosity, because curiosity caused the teller to look into the future.
Philip Lucas
Carly Lepp
Period 6
(1)Canto III The virtue of bravery vs.the sin of cowardice- People who are not brave enough to make choices end up neither in heaven or hell but in limbo in the afterlife, just as they were on earth.
(2)Canto VII The virtue of common sense vs.hoarding or overspending. It is okay to spend some money, but not unwisely.Likewise it is unwise to hoard everything as it brings no fullfillment.
(3)Canto XX The virtue of making of an honest living vs.fraud. It's not the money you earn but whether or not you do it fairly and honestly.
(4)Canto XI The virtue of self-respect vs. violation of oneself. People should enjoy the life they have been given rather than leading unproductive lives or disrespecting themselves and their lives by committing suicide.
(5)Canto VIII The virtue of humility/patience vs.the sin of anger. Those who in life act humble and unaffected by wealth and other material goods they have acquired are virtuous. Likewise, those who are tolerant of others don't commit the sin being angry.
In Canto VIII, the sinners are being punished for being enraged over things, whether they are big or small. Dante's virtue is that people must not be so violent physically and emotionally over certain matters. He wants people to be able to maintain their anger.
In Canto IX, the heretics are people who do not believe in God or immortality. Dante'e virtue for this is the existence of God and believing that there may be some sort of afterlife.
In Canto XII, these souls are being punished because of the harm they did to 'their neighbors.' Starting wars and fights with others and destroying peoples' lives is not a way of life and Dante values the belief that everyone should be good to eachother and treat eachother fairly.
In Canto XIII, Dante punishes the violent against themselves. Dante's virtue to the suicides is the ability to love yourself and be supportive of yourself. Dante cherishes life and he feels that people should not waste their lives by killing themselves, but enjoy what they have been given.
And, in Canto XVIII, these sinners are punished for being liars and being accused of bribery. Dante's virtue is integrity. They should not lie, but be truthful.
Dante Schwartz
period 6
woah okay i meant Dani Schwartz, not Dante Schwartz....oops!
1. Decisive. In canto III, the Opportunist, don't follow through with their thoughts or opinion. Not choosing a side and not giving help or decision where it is needed.
2. Good with money. In canto VII, the Hoarders and the Wasters, either spend too much or don't spend any. Having lack of sense of money could mean they live their lives wild or too inkept. Spending wrecklessly might also mean hurting people around them. Or keeping money for themselves might mean not helping others in need of the money.
3. Humanity. In canto VIII, the wrathful, have none. They have no sense of understanding of other peoples feelings and only wish to cause pain. Punishing them for not treating their fellow man with care.
4. Amiability. In canto XII, the violent against neighbor, are not as friendly as they should be. They are punished by Dante because instead of making peace with one another they cause trouble.
5. Honesty. In canto XVIII, the Fradulent, are being punished for committing "simple fraud". They lie of their crimes and have no sense of honesty.
Ariyani Wray
Per. 6
Emily Gold
period 4
1. (canto 13) Dante punishes suicide by denying the sinners of their body for these souls destroyed thir own subtance in life. The problem is that god has given them their form and to destroy is to destroy gods nature. Therefor the virtue of this gift would be to take care of your body and life and to use speach not only through pain and suffering but through focusing on others.
2.Dante furthers displays his value of ones substance in (canto 24) with the theives. Dante see's the theives stealing others substance in order for personal gain. thus dante finds helping others build their substance and appreciating your own subtance as a virtue.
3. (canto 4) i dont agree that the virtuous pagans are sinners and i dont think dante the poet does either because he shows simpathy through dante the pilgrim. but because it is technically a sin he shows a idealistic virtue of a larger society, that one should believe in something higher than them.
4. In (canto 7) the hoarders and wasters represent a lack of control for ones money and income of any material. This lack of control gets in the way of these souls reason, therfor dante must consider moderation of material a virtue.
5. Again dante shows a societal belief that a one should believe in a higher being in (canto 10). The heretics denied immortality and directly offended god by saying he is not real. The virtue to this would be to essentailly hand yourself over to "god".
peace man
1. Peace - The ability to refrain from using violence and being able to "love thy neighbor". (Canto XII - The violent against neighbors.)
2. Productiveness - Making use of your God given ability to create. (Canto XV - violent against nature.)
3. Honesty - Always being true to yourself and doing what you believe is right, and not changing that for anyone. (Canto XXIII - hypocrites.)
4. Charity - Always willing to help the less fortunate. (Canto VII - Hoarders and Wasters.)
5. Integrity - Never giving up, especially when you are given so many opportunities to produce with God's help. (Canto XIII - violent against themselves.)
Much love,
Period 6
1. The wasters in canto 7-He looks down on the wasters for thinking of nothing but money. So one would say that Dante feels aceticism is a good way to live your life. For those who dont know what aceticism means it is not materialistic and only concerned with the spirit.
2.In canto 9 Dante puts the heretics in hell. These people deny god and immortality. So one would say Dante is for religion and belief in a higher power.
3.In canto 12 the ones who were violent against their neighbors. People who shed the blood of their fellow man. I would say that Dante is for kindness and peace of your fellow man.
4. In canto 14 violence against art. Dante feels that art is a gift that god gave man and that one who doesnt use it is wasting. I would say based on that Dante feels that one should be creative and not waste time because life is short and you should use the resources that god gave you within that time.
5. Canto 19 The simoniacs- sellers of ecclesiatic favors and offices. In other words cronyism. Curroption. Dante would feel that following the laws and rules that are given. Going against curruption. Following morality instead of power and money.
Sam Baloff
Per. 4
I feel that one major virtue is being someone who gives or is charitable. This would counter someone who hoards or wastes. The Charitable would use money to help those in need and the Hoarders and Wasters would only use it for their own selfish desires. I also feel that Holiness and faith in God are clearly virtues that Dante considers important. These virtues would counter the Simoniacs who made a mockery of holy office. Happiness is also very important to Dante considering the Sullen were punished for basically being depressed. I believe that respect for yourself and for others is another virtue Dante feels is important. He punishes the Panderers who sell women, thus he feels it is important that we treat each other with respect. I also feel that Honesty is an important virtue. Dante considers the flatters to be great sinners and they should act on their beliefs rather than simply saying whatever anyone wants to hear
Paul Testa
period 4
1.Virtue “self-respect” found in canto XIII the violent against themselves. Dante punishes these sinners for not valuing their bodies which were a gift from him. If they had respected their bodies on earth they would not have gone to that circle of hell.
2.Virtue “self-control” found in canto XII the violent against neighbors. While on earth these men/women could not control there anger towards others so they killed them. Dante believes this is a sin and so do I. If they had had some self-control they may have been able to keep themselves from killing others.
3.Virtue “Procreate” found in cantos XIV and XV the sodomites, violent against nature. Dante puts sodomites in hell because he thinks they are wasting god’s gifts by having sex without creating life. Dante thinks the only reason people were provide with sex organs is to procreate so procreating s a virtue.
4.Virtue “truthfulness” found in XXIII the hypocrites. In a way hypocrites are constantly lying. Dante punishes them for saying one thing and doing another. He is trying to show that telling the truth and being truthful to your self is a virtue.
5.Virtue “law abiding” found in canto XXIV and XXV the thieves. Dante believe that people should abide by the rules that society has made. The law says that no body has to share their possessions with any other person. When people take it upon themselves to change the laws that is a sin.
Sami Gross Per 4
Well, if you look at the Suicides (Canto XIII)they are being punished for not valuing the gift that God gave them, so maybe Dante saw self-worth as a virtue;
And then there is the Heretics (Cantos IX and X) whom denied God's existence and believed instead that the soul dies with the body. So Faith, not necessarily in God, is an important virtue;
Then there is the Grafters (Canto XXI), which is easily translated to charity (pretty self-explanatory);
Let's see, the Sodomites (Canto XV) are a representation of the corruption of man's reason. So the counter to that would be clear minded thinking (sorry, the word escapes me right now);
The Simoniacs (Canto XIX) who cheated their way through life would be an odd virtue to pin down. But, in my opinion, hard work would be the best virtue to cancel out this particular sin.
Shiloh Stone
Period 4
Brad Goran
Period 6
1. I'm almost certain that Dante sees Religious Piety as a virtue. In both Canto IX with the Heretics and also in Canto XIX, we see Dante scolding those who either did not believe in G-d, or used the Lord as a means for personal finance. Virgil also reminds Dante of the sin each person in hell committed against G-d.
2. The Grafters and stealers are punished because they took away from innocent souls. It is then a logical conclusion that Dante believes that giving selflessly would be a virtue.
3. Dante goes as far as to put those who go against Art as worse sinners then murderers. In Canto XIV the poet shows his disdain at those who impede upon the ability for humanity to progress. Dante therefore values those who create to better humanity as a whole.
4. The poet seems to be upset with those who kill themsleves in Canto XIII, mostly because they "destroy their own substance." I think that Dante would consider improving one's body (through natural means)as an act of virtue.
5. Finally, in Canto XVIII, we see the Seducers punished for essentialy spinning the truth for their own personal benefit. It is with this it can be said that Dante values honesty.
1. Dante punishes the Grafters in Cantos XXI and XXII not for making financial transactions but for STEALING and DISHONEST BUSINESS. Dante does not disapprove of financial dealing but of doing shady finances
2. Dante punishes the Hypocrites in Canto XXIII for having no integrity and for posing as nice virtuous people while in reality being rotten and corrupted to the core. He does not seem to mind that people may not be all that nice but he hates and punishes those who pose and thus deceive the world of their true character. Lying is considered by Dante to be immoral and thus he punishes for it
3. Dante punishes those in the Vestibule for not having a set of moral standards to which they would adhere. in essence dante punishes for weakness of character
4. In Canto XIX, Dante punishes Simoniacs for in his eyes they corrupt the things of God, and Dante a virtuous Catholic cannot bear to accept this kind of behavior. It is a violation of his moral beliefs and is also perhaps an example of thievery because it robs gullible people of truly being able to atone for their sins and it permits corrupt people to buy their way out of hell so to speak
5. In Canto XII, Dante punishes those who were Violent Against Neighbors because he believes it to be a form of backstabbing. Also it violates one of the Ten Commandments and is in Dante's eyes utterly immoral.
1) Dante bvelieves that the sinners who commited suicide are put there becuase they gave up their life, when they were put here for a reason to live and be cherrished not to destroy themselves, it;'s a sign of selfishness.(canto XIII)
2) In canto X Dante sees tyhe sinners who didn;t belive in an afterlife. He's not mad, becuase you believe what you want to, and that's your descision , but they used that against god, and thats a problem to Dante.
3) For the sinners who committed agasint violence against nature and art, it's going against what god has created, all his earth's gifts. Dante beileves that they are right for that sin. becuse once again they are destroying god's gifts. (CantoXVI)
4) In canto XX Dante sees the fortune tellers and the Diviners who look inop the future as again going against god because god put us here to live and experience the future not have somebody tell us what our future will be with out expeirencing it. and to Dante that's going against god's will.
5) In cantoIII Dante comes across the oportunists who werent for good or evil but for themselves, which makes them selfish and moral less. They are just for themselves and Dante sees that as a sin.
CHelsea allen
period 4
1. In Canto XIII, Dante talks about those who are violent against themselves. The fact they they have killed themselves is not the problem, the fact that they didn't appreciate their own lives is what Dante feels is sinful. Therefore, Dante believes people should embrace that God has given them life.
2. The Sodomites, those who are violent against nature, live in Canto XV. Dante must feel that people must respect what God has given us on the Earth we live in.
3. Canto XIX punishes the Simoniacs, those who bought or sold religious offices. Dante shows that he feels religious offices should not be corrupted by those that are supposed to be trusted. He believes that religious position holders should be faithful to the believers.
4. In Canto XX, the Diviners are forced to walk with their heads on backwards for all eternity. Diviners tried to use unholy powers to see ahead in life. By condemning these people, Dante shows that one must believe in what God has put in front of them and not try to see it before it has happened.
5. The Thieves of Canto XXIV are attacked by serpents. Their hands are tied behind their backs because they use their hands to steal. Dante is telling us that people should be loyal to others and not do things behind their backs.
Adam Alper
Period 6
1. Suicides, Dante mentions the suicides because Dante puts value and respect towards the human body
and expects the soul in it to respect it too.
2. Theives , what dante brings
up virtue about this is he thinks that one's possecions should be
respected by his neighbors.
3. Hypocrites, Dante brings up
these because he thinks that one
should not blame someone of a crime
when he himself commits it as well
this at the time of Dante and even
today corupts world religeons.
4. Wrathfull , Dante mentions the wrathfull becuase he values human life and thinks that no one has the
right to take away someone's life
away unless his own life as at risk.
5. Pagans, Dante mentions the pagans because he believes that all
people should believe that there is
only one not many of them.
David Bet-shmuel
period 4
1. RELIGIOUS/ORTHODOX. In Canto XIV, Dante talks about the blasphemers/violent against god. If one were religious and instead of cursing God, he loved God, Dante would call his virtuous.
2. PATIENCE. In Canto XX, we have the diviners and fortune tellers. They looked into the future to see what was in store. Dante thinks this is a bad sin because of the gruesome punishment the sinners are given. One who is patient and waits for the time to come would be considered virtuous.
3. SINCERITY. Canto XXIII talks about how hypocrits are sinners because they say on thing, but do another. Sincerity would be saying one thing and doing what you say. This would be a virtue in Dante's eyes because you would not be going against what you say.
4. GENEROSITY. Canto XXIV is where the thieves are in a pit full of monstrous reptiles that wrap them selves around them to suffocate. Thieves have an absolutely ghastly punishment for eternity which shows Dante's disgust towards them. Since he is so angry with them, he would find someone who is generous and gives things to people in need (instead of taking for them) a virtuous deed.
5. EUPHORIC/HARMONIC. In canto XII and XIII, we have the wrathful. They are in hell because they hate everyone and everything. A euphoric/harmonic person want harmony and peace in the world. They don't waste their GOD-GIVEN talents on something as stupid as wrath. This would be another virtue.
Shane Z
Period 4
Sorry if I posted more than once!
1. With the thieves, we find that Dante puts them in hell for their dishonesty. It is obvious from many of the cantos that Dante despises dishonesty, but the canto with the thieves really caps it all off. Honesty is clearly something that Dante values of all people.
2. In the cantos with all of the wrathful and violent, we find that this sin is something that Dante disgusts. One thing that Dante admires of his leader, Virgil, is his coolheaded approach to everything. Being composed is something that the wrathful could not be, so it is clearly something that Dante values.
3. When we meet the heretics and the violent against God, Dante shows his hate for the people that have no faith in God. So those that are faithful and don't corrupt religion are seen as virtuous in Dante's eyes.
4. After meeting the sodomites and learning of Ser Brunetto Latino, we see that Dante feels that sodomy is a sin, so those that are heterosexuals are virtuous. It is sad that Dante see homosexuals as sinful, but so does the pilgrim, so maybe Dante put sodomy in just because it goes against God's word, not his own.
5. In the Wood of the Suicides, Dante shows his sorrow for the suicides, but he also gets shown by Virgil that they really are sinful. So those that don't waste away their lives are virtuous.
Adam Jacobs
Per 6
Masha Telishevsky Period 6
1. Dante punishes the Sinners of the Vestibule for lacking the strength to stick to their moral values
2. Dante punishes the Violent against Neighbors in Canto XII because he views them as Backstabbers and also because it is a violation of one of the Ten Commandments to commit wrong against your neighbor
3. Dante condemns Thieves in Canto XXIV because stealing is wrong by nature because you cause someone undeserved misery. Also it is a violation of the Ten Commandments
4. Dante also condemns the Wrathful in Canto VII because it is one of the Seven Deadly Sins and Dante being a virtuous Catholic condemns all that violates tenets of Catholicism.
5. Finally Dante condemns Simoniacs becuase in his eyes they corrupt the things of God and thus corrupt His children, us humans. he sees them as mocking the Holy Office and luring people into corruption by making them think they can buy their way out of hell
Herecy: The denial of God. Dante obviously has a strong believe in God, and lives his life based on the word of God.
Suicide: Dante has a strong view on life and the preservation of life. Taking your own life is a direct rejection of Gods gifts.
Simoniacs: Dante punishes those who are dishonest to others, so he values truth among the righteous.
Virtuous Pagans: He values the light of God. In his mind if you do not know the light of God you are doomed.
Wrathful and Sullen: Dante values kindness. He punished the wrathful because their unhappiness affects others, and those people are no longer able to be kind to that person.
Brian Hosseiniyar
a) SELFLESSNESS: The vestibule is reserved for those sinners whose thoughts revolved solely around themselves.
b) REASON: Hoarders and wasters are guilty of going against their human reason to a point where it interferes with the natural way of things.
c) GRATITUDE: The suicides threw away the most precious gift from God. They threw it away without an ounce of hesitation not realizing its value.
d) HONESTY: Hypocrites, those who seemed good at a glance, fooled the public from really seeing the corrupt being within.
e)LOYAL: Since according to Dante man was created by God,man should remain loyal to God, unlike the Heretics who disrespect the church and reject faith.
Samantha Canez
1.Charity - in circle IV -- the hoarders and the wasters-- we see Dante damn these sinners because they thought nothing except of their money. Thus it can be concluded that spending money, in philanthropistic way, is honorable.
2. Peace and Tranquilty- in Canto XII we see those guilty of violence against neighbors damned in hell. They are placed here because of their pugnacious attitudes and shedding blood. It can be understood that Dante values people who are peacefull and not as physically aggresive.
3.Appreciation for Life - Dante places those guilty of suicide in hell. They destroyed their existence. Clearly Dante believes that life is a gift from god and that it should be valued.
4. Honesty - in Canto XVIII we see come across three types of sinners, Panderes, Seducers, and Flatterers. All whom are guilty of lieing.
5. Trust and faithfullness to god - as obvious as it seems, this is probably one of Dantes biggest Virtues. This virtue plays out throughout many cantos. For example, Fortune telling can be considered a lack of faith in god because in learning ones future, one is also doubting god.
Thought everyone should know that the internet at my house was broken. So what did i do? I went to Lauren's house at 10:20 at night to get my blog posted. Is that dedication or what people? Learn from me, I am wise.
Love, David Dorsey Per. 6 <3
Canto VII is has one half about Circle Four, the Hoarders and the Wasters. I think the importance of their sin was realizing how they were wasteful with their fortunes. I think possibly that modesty is the important thing that Dante realizes here.
Dante must understand the futility of violence because he makes it one of his sins. He must therefore reason that as the opposite of violence, that care of others is important. Canto XII pertains to Circle Seven, The Violent Against the Neighbors. Violence may not be literal, but possibly verbal as well.
The Violent Against Themselves is from Canto XIII. God has given man his body and therefore he must take care of it. I think that the way Dante would describe this lesson would be the whole “you’re body is a temple” sort of thing. Value of the self is important.
Being a hypocrite is, according to Dante, a horrible sin, which is why it is so far down in Hell. (Canto XXIII) I think that Dante sees the importance of integrity and honesty in all aspects of human nature and therefore he sees that this is what man should abide by as a general rule.
The Heretics are in the Sixth Circle, Canto IX. They denied immortality and I think that this is pretty simple what Dante expects the good part of this is. Humans are just that, human. They have no immortal existence and therefore should not believe so, especially in a sense that compares them to God.
Basically I think that as a whole, Dante's main virtue is love and respect for God. But there are some things that are included in that...
1. In Canto XIV, which is the blasphemers, Dante punishes them for using God's name in vain and disrespecting him. So the virtue here is pretty much what I just said before about love and respect for God.
2. Another main one is honesty. I thought that was most evident in the flatterers (Canto XVIII), but it applies to all of the eighth circle. They are being punished for their deceitful lives, but now they are in hell they are forced to tell the truth.
3. For this one I think that many cantos can be used as examples, but I chose the sodomites (Canto XV) since I could see no other virtue for them. Although they may have been good people, they went against the teachings of God. In the story of Sodom God makes it pretty clear that it is not okay to do such things. I think this is also about knowing the difference between right and wrong.
4. In Canto VII Dante addresses the Hoarders. What they did was keep all of their money and never spent it. I think the virtue for this would be openness to change. They kept their money as a sort of security blanket, but if they were truly virtuous people, they would only need God's light for security.
5. The last virtue I came up with was treating other people respectfully. The seducers in Canto XVIII just used people for their own devices and did not consider anyone's feelings (the golden rule)
Hannah Kaufman
Per. 6
1. Sodomy in Canto XV is a sin because it brings nothing to humanity, the opposite of this being a heterosexual relationship, bringing new lives to humanity and their home society is virtuous in every way.
2. Hypocrisy in Canto XXIII is to me the opposite of honesty, it seems that Dante is saying that although it is easy to lie and it can be virtuous to you in some situations, in the long run it will hurt you, therefore honesty is always more virtuous than hypocrisy.
3. The Grafters in Canto XXI thought it wise to steel a little “top” they thought that just a little money from such a large collection couldn’t hurt, and it would be so virtuous to them, but going to hell for some pocket money isn’t so “virtuous,” in a modern example the right thing to do here would to work harder for your company to gain more money for the company and all it’s employees would gain from that, that would be the true virtue.
4. Theft in Canto XXV, theft is an obvious sin but is also obviously virtuous to the sinner until he or she is punished. The opposite of theft would be charity and charity is a very godly thing to participate in, it not only greatly benefits its cause and the people effected by it, but it can and most likely will also be virtuous to you, they always say that there’s no better feeling than doing charitable work.
5. The wrathful in Canto VIII if they were to stop being wrathful that would diminish the anger, violence and wrath of the people who have control over their appetites, creating a far more peaceful world. Dante’s point in the incontinence Cantos is that everything in moderation is good but, one abuser can create a higher level of acceptance of wrathfulness causing more wrath in everyone, so it is better and more virtuous to ones society and the whole world to just be peaceful from the get go.
These are a few of the messages I believe Dante was trying to deliver to the public so that the same mistakes are not made in the future, unfortunately Dante’s words did not speak loud enough.
Michael Ashoori
1. The ability to moderate and have control of ones asets is a virtue. (Canto VII- Hoarderes and Wasters)
2. The ability to avoid violence and keep peace is a virtue. (Canto XII- The Violent Against Neighbors)
3. A sense of value for the gifts of G-d is a virtue. (Canto XIII- The violent Against Themselves)
4. The ability to use resources in a productive manner is a virtue. (Canto XV- The Violent Against Nature)
5. Honesty and truthfulness is a virtue. (Canto XXIII- The Hypocrites)
Jordan Smith
Period 4
In Canto 14, Dante talks about the usurers. These people manipulated others in order to better themselves…AKA they lied. Therefore, I can conclude that Dante believes honesty as a virtue. When you hurt others you hurt god, and when you hurt god you are put in hell and are considered a sinner.
Canto 7 talks about the hoarders and wasters that they took so much and kept so much that it only hurt others. What Dante finds virtuous is one who would spend to help someone out or buy in moderation as to not waste the goods you buy.
Canto 12 talks about the sinners who are violent against their neighbors. These sinners include war makers, cruel tyrants, and highwaymen. All these types of people made others unhappy and caused destruction to gods creations. Now I can conclude that Dante believes that peacekeepers and pacifists are virtuous.
In Canto 20, Dante speaks of the fortune tellers and diviners. These people tell of the future and may give people false hope. God did not give them the power to see the future so they should not be trying to go against god and acting like they can see into the future. But I believe that it would be ok with Dante if someone had a belief about the future. Let’s face it, everyone wonders what will happen to the world in 100 years and how long you will live to, and it should be ok if you had a belief about what will happen, just as long as you don’t act like that IS what will happen. It is a virtue to be able to think logically.
In Canto 18, down in Bolgia 2, Dante writes about the flatterers. Everyone in modern day and I’m sure everyone in general wanted to impress someone they liked or thought was important. It should be ok to flatter them to the point that it is not a lie and everything you say and do is the truth. Dante’s flatterers in hell did everything they could include lying to flatter that certain person, and yes that is a sin. Being able to flatter someone without lying is a virtue and what’s even more of a virtue is the truth you speak while flattering someone.
1. In canto X, the Heretics are directly offening God and choose their opinions instead of following the teachings of the church.
2. canto XIII the Harpies symbolize stealing away the souls by suicide. therefor, Dantete punishes the suiciders for self- destruction, and consideres it to be horrible and highly disrespectful.
3. Fraud is considered one of the most serious sins by Dante, not only because he was victimized by false charges himself, but because fraud frustrates the virtuous use of the intellect. we see this in canto XVIII.
4. Honesty comes out in Canto XXIII with the Hypocrites. they are constantly lying, which is the reason why Dante punishes them. Dante wants to show that being honest is neccessary and most important.
5. The Simoniacs in Canto XIX trade the grace and favor of the church for money, which brings us back to
religious background.
Shir Sabag
Period 4.
I referred to the seven holy virtues because I felt they fit some of Dante's sins PERFECTLY...
1. Patience. Dante's choice of sin in Canto XII (The Violent Against Neighbors) reflects the virtue of patience. The virtue encompasses resolving a conflict peacefully rather than with violence. So in regards to Canto XII, I think the virtue Dante tries to instill is a sense of forgiving and resolution without violence.
2. Chastity. Dante's choice of sin in Canto XVII (The Violent Against Art) displays an underlying virtue of chastity in the sense of achieving thought through a sense of work or betterment. In The Violent Against Art, the sinners are being punished because they have destroyed man's tool to create and produce. Thus, the virtue of achievment through work may be the virtue behind the sin.
3. Liberality. Dante's choice of sin in Canto XXIV(The Thieves) shows a virtue of generosity. The Thieves constantly stole for their own benefit. The sin, therefore, may have a virute that opposes greed.
4. Abstinence. Dante's choice of sin in Canto VII (specifically The Hoarders and the Wasters) shows a virtue of acquiring things through moderation. The Hoarders and the Wasters lacked moderation in their lives with money. So, the virtue in the sin may be self-control and moderation.
5.Humility. Dante's choice of sin in Canto XVIII (The Panderers and Seducers and The Flatterers) has the virtue of selflessness. The sinners did only for themselves and harmed other for their purposes. The virtue behind the sin might be seflessness and giving respect.
Tori Cusick
Period 4
Lacey Thompson Period 6
1. The first thing i tought of was the Hypocrites (canto 23) So the virtue here being your true self. Like if you have a friend who's really cool put then infront of other people he/shes completly different and then you're like "Wow! This sucks." So Dante doesn't like that. ...Honesty is the virtue
2. The next virtue is appreciation. You know that saying "You don't realize what you got till it's gone" This can be proven in canto 7. The Sullen are the ones I'm directing this comment to and the squanderers from Canto 13- the ones who kind of let themeselves die
3. Another virtue is faith. I think faith is something that that steps in when you dont know have an answer to something and it is human nature to question. I think Dante believes that faith is what makes everything complete - if you dont have an answer and you dont have faith your not complete. This is shown in canto 10- the heretics
4.Patience is a virtue! This is shown on canto 13 with the wood of suicides- they couldn't wiat for death, they couldn't deal so they gave up.
Some could also say maybe the fortune tellers werent patient- they couldnt wait for the future so they lied about it and they didnt have the patience to wait and work for the money
5 My last and final one is endurance, the ability or strength to continue or last, and this is the big one that i think might be in half the cantos.
* all the incontinece cantos- they didnt have the strength to control their appetites therfore they didnt last
*canto 13 suicides- couldnt bear through life in general
*canto 23 the hypocrites= didnt have the strength to be themeselves or be honest
*canto 22 the grafters= didnt have the strength to stop, to be cought, or admit what they were doing
endurence is a part of life, but in so many little forms
1. The heretics, the first sinners who aren't guilty of incontinence, offer a clear virtue which Dante is accentuating - Faith. The heretics have no faith in God, Christianity, or an afterlife. By punishing the heretics and mocking their belief that life ends forever, Dante drives home the point that one must always have faith in God.
2. The violent against their neighbors sinners who Dante wishes to knock off their pedestal; Alexander the Great and Attila are often viewed as military geniuses. Dante wants to emphasize tolerance and peace - in essence, harmony. Harmony between people, countries, and all of God's creations.
3. The usurers are prime examples of greedy destruction, but in a more subtle manner. By placing them in their own round of hell, Dante is telling us that Christians should embody the virtue of altruism. Abusing God's creations is a bad idea, but helping God's creations to lead a more Christian life is thumbs up.
4. The Simoniacs are definitely a formidable evil in Dante's eyes. The clergy who are corrupted maintain the illusion that they are messengers of God. This is a terrible sin, and Dante clearly wished all clergymen were pure. Ah, that's the virtue - Purity. The ability to resist corruption through greed, malice, etcetera.
5. The Hypocrites are the ultimate liars in hell. Well, not the ultimate, but big ones. By creating a circle just for them Dante wants to show us that we can't be deceitful and put on a facade of honesty. Instead we must truly be honorable in our actions and our words if we are to be good Christians.
Alex Ringe
Period 6
1. The hoarders and wasters (Canto VII) represent those who do not think of god but only of money. Dante does not think the fact of having too much money is bad but having it consume you to the point where you do not see god is what Dante sees as a sin. So the thought of being consumed in objects and oneself is what Dante is trying to show as the sin. Since that money is only going back to themselves I think he feels they earn the money for the wrong reasons and are consumed by it.
2. Also in Canto VII are the sullen. They seemed to be punished because they did not see the light of Divine Illumination. I think Dante is trying to show that these people blinded themselves from seeing it. He is not punishing them for being morose but he is punishing those for blinding themselves from seeing the light. They are stubborn for not looking past their mood and looking at Divine Illumination.
3. Sodomy in Canto XIV seems to be punished because it is not how we should be it is not natural. The real idea behind it is that it is a sterile act when one performs this act no life will come from it. The whole point of man is to procreate in order to exist. Sodomy is a selfish act in that it is not doing any good for others but just for oneself and that is what Dante's virtue is the idea of selfishness.
4. The simoniacs in Canto XIX are those who are seen as bad for selling favors to bring themselves up in the church but I do not think that is what Dante is trying to only show. I think there is the idea that even a church is corrupt the purest place has corrupt people within and that nothing is perfectly pure. This Canto shows how opposite the church should be seen it is susposed to be seen as holy and pure and yet there are people within who are not all that (and a bag of peanuts).
5. Canto XX explains about the fortune tellers and diviners. They are sinned for looking into something that only god can see and no one else. I think Dante's virtue that he is trying to get across is the fact that humans are not able to do that and the stupidity of people believing they can tell the future when in fact only god can do that or maybe not even god can do that.
Laura Lascoe
Period 6
1) In canto VII, Dante punishes the hoarders and the wasters. the hoarders and the wasters lacked moderation in regulating their expenses and therefore let money consume their lives. When reading this canto, you can conclude that Dante finds the ability to regulate your spending in moderation a virtue.
2) In canto VIII, Dante punishes the wrathful. Dante condemned how the wrathful allowed anger to consume their lives. Therefore we can conclude that having patience, tolerance, and the ability to forgive others, all of which is necessary to counter anger, are considered virtues by Dante.
3)In canto XIII, Dante punishes the sinners who committed sins against themselves, such as suicide. Therefore, having a positive self worth is a virtue.
4) In the canto XVIII, Dante condemns the Fraudulent and Malicious. Through this, Dante shows that he values honesty and sincerity as virtues.
5) In canto XX, Dante lists fortune telling as one of the sins punished in hell. Through this, Dante shows that he thinks acceptance is a virtue. a person should not keep trying to look into the future, they should be content with what is in the present.
Christine Liang
1)(Fortune Tellers) Taking life as it comes- In canto XX, Dante condemns those who attempt to take life before it arrives, and those who attempt to see what has not yet happened. A virtue to oppose this sin could be the simple action of taking life as it comes and only attempting to plan for what might be. Taking things as they come could be a sort of effective way to live life that doesn't require a crystal ball. One does not need to see into the future to enjoy life.
2)(Murderers) Sacrifice- In canto XII, Dante punishes those who throw away the life of others and end their life, thereby cutting away their full time on earth. A virtue for this could be possibly be just the opposite, potentially sacrificing your time on earth in order to make sure another is able to fully live his or her life.
3)(Suicide) Appreciation of Life- In canto XIII, Dante punishes those who waste and destroy their own life which was one of God's gifts to them. The evident virtue that would oppose this is the appreciation of the life as it is given to you, and living life to the fullest
4)(Hypocrites) Honesty In Actions- In canto XXIII, Dante criticizes those whose actions and words do not match. A virtue for this could be honesty in actions, or in other words, actions matching what you say you will do. If one always keeps his word, his is much more virtuous than one who just says he will.
5)(Opportunists)Loyalty and Decisiveness- In canto IV, these people are criticized for not choosing a side and not taking sides when it does not benefit them. A virtue or two for this would be decisiveness, in which one would understand how to choose a side and would decide on one or the other, loyalty would factor in as one would stick to the side they chose instead of leaving when in would benefit them most and betraying others.
Michael Tarlow- Period 6
1. In Canto XIII, the sinners are the violent against themselves because they don't appreciate their own lives. Dante believes people should embrace that God has given them life and that people should always take care of themselves.
2. In Canto XII the siners are the violent against neighbors because Dante sees them as people that dont care about trust and respect. Dante feels that people should respect your neighbors because they most likely respect and trust you.
3. In Canto VII the sinners are the hoarders and wasters because the show a lack of control for their money and income of any material. Dante wants them to respect what the have and not to watse it.
4. In Canto XX, the sinners are being punsished for fraud. Dante doesn't want people to cheat in order to make a living he wants them to try and make their own living without cheating.
5. In Canto XVIII, the sinners are punished for being liars and using bribery. feels that they should not lie and to be truthful people.
Elijah Parris
per. 4
Many things could be considered virtues in Dante's perspectives, but some clearly stick out to me.
One that mainly sticks out to me if providing a service but selling it rather then giving it naturally, this idea is both in Canto 19. The Simoniacs sell forgiveness for a charge. What makes this a sin is the fact that they are selling forgiveness rather then just giving it. They are asking for something in return for something that shouldnt even be charged in the first place and should come naturally.
Another virtue i believe is having a balance. The Hoarders and Wasters dont use their commodities in the way that they should. Gods not saying money is bad and shouldnt exist, but what hes trying to say that there should be a balance to it all and the Hoarders and Wasters take advantage of that balance.
Another virtue i believe is integrity and never giving up on oneself. In canto 13, violent against self, suicide is the sin commited. I believe God understand the point of giving up, but not to the point of hurting one of his own creations to better oneself. When somone commits suicide they believe their life will be a lot better and they will be able to be free from eveything else, but thats not true.
Another virtue i believe is present in canto 20, the fortune tellers and diviners and the sin of looking into the future. The virtue being that self-thoughts about the future are ok, but once it involves a prediction of someone elses future and also involves a charge, it becomes sinful. God created us to think, and on a normal bases we think about the future and whats going to happen next, but the extent of the fortune tellers and diviners is what makes it a sin.
The last one that i could think of would have to be consideration to other human beings. In canto 22, the grafters sin by performing embezzlement. It is ok to take something of someones, but only with the consent of that person. The facter of taking something without them knowing is what makes it a sin, but just using something of someone isnt considerd a sin because as children one of our first lessons was to share, and thats the only way we may get along with life, by sharing both possessions and knowledge.
Mariam Yeganeh
Period 4
see you soon :D
1. Understanding and cheerful. In canto seven Dante talks about the wrathful and the sullen showing that these things are not virtuous making understanding and cheerfulness virtuous.
2. Non-violence is virtuous. The sinners of canto twelve are those who were violent against their neighbor (a non virtuous thing to be) making the flip side of that virtuous.
3. Treating you body with love and respect is a virtue. In canto thirteen those who were violent against themselves have they're bodies striped from them in hell as they did not take care of them in life.
4. It is virtuous to have heterosexual sexual sex. As shown in canto fifteen, gay sex was thought of as non-virtuous so on the other end of that straight or heterosexual sex most be
5. Respecting and preserving the sanctity of the church is virtuous. Withier from the inside (hoarders wasters, or the simoniacs in canto nineteen) or the out (fortune tellers, diviners in canto twenty) Dante sees it as not virtuous to mess with the sanctity of religion and god. Thus preserving that sanctity would be virtuous.
Zack Rabinowitz
Period 6
Heather Gossler
1. Generosity (Canto VII):
Dante showed that keeping money to yourself is a sin with the hoarders but also showed that getting rid of it on useless things is also a sin. I do believe, however, that he would consider generosity to be a virtue because you are giving money away to people who need it for a certain thing, which is not useless or hoarding.
2. Being able to express anger calmly (Canto VIII and XII):
Dante only punished the people who committed sins of violence to hell, not because the people were angry, but because they let the anger over whelm them into an act of violence. Therefore I believe that Dante would want us to express our emotions, but not let our emotions overtake us.
3. Being genuine (Cant XVIII):
With the flatterers, Dante did not put them in hell simply because they complimented people. But because their compliments were untrue and selfishly motivated. If the compliments were truthful and genuine then it would not be a sin.
4. Being honest (Canto XX):
With the fortune Tellers and Diviners Dante put them in hell for falsely seeing into the future, but if you were born with a special power to see into the future (assuming that's possible) then being honest and telling people what you know will happen to them is no a sin. It is the fact that they were lying and praying off of others weakness and curiosity to make money.
5. Expressing sadness (Canto XIII):
With the suicides I believe that Dante punished them not because they were unhappy or depressed, but because they let the sadness over take them. There is nothing wrong with being sad; you just have to learn to express it in a more productive and calming way.
1. Patience- Dante advocates this with the wrathful. The wrathful lose control of their emotions and let themselves be run by them.
2. Self Respect- In the suicides and the violent against one self, it is clear that Dante values the life of a person and respect for one's life given by God as Dante might put it.
3. Hard Work- I saw this in Flattery because flatterers kissed ass in order to get somewhere easily rather than do the work to get there.
4. Kindness- Violent Against Neighbors. This is pretty clear, human kindness toward your fellow man or woman. Do not harm your fellow beings, be nice.
5. Being Thrifty- (For lack of a better term) In the Hoarders and Wasters, Dante values fiscal responsibilies, not spending too much but not taking too much either.
Per 6
1. Canto VII-The Hoarders and the Wasters were being punished because they did not have moderation vontrollinh their expenditures. This ciines from a lacking in responsibility.
2. In Canto XVIII the sinners are panderers and seducers. These sinners took advantage of people for their own person gain. I think this shows a lack of humanity.
3. Canto XIX the simoniacs are sellers of ecclesiatic favors and offices. Which pretty much comes off as patronage or the spoils system in the bush adminsitation, so that must be wrong. A sense of civic duty or responsibility comes to mind.
4. In canto XX Dante comes upon the fortune tellers and the Diviners who claim they can look into the future. Time is the what makes up the intricate framing of the world god created. There is a reason he designed it so that you cannot look ahead, it goes against his planning. Thus you are goin against god. You are not honoring god.
5. Canto XXIII deals with the hypocrites. Hypocrites lack in credibility, which isn’t exactly a sin but it is wrong. However god gave man free will to do what he pleases, and yet honorning thy neighbor, or thy fellow man, is part of his guidelines. They violate that contract with god.
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