Cruel To Be Kind

Act III truly is the tipping point of the play. Hamlet discovers Claudius, delays killing him, and murders Polonius. The paradigm Hamlet has constructed for himself has fallen apart and things have now spun out of control. It's worth noting that, for all the talk of death, Polonius's is the first death we have actually seen.
And now. . . . the questions!!! Read carefully. Comment on all of them, Benjie. Discuss what you have read.
1. Hamlet stabs Polonius, through the arras, in a fit of rage. Polonius's final words? "I am slain." (Just like Polonius to die stating the obvious). How would you stage the killing so that you can best bring out aspects of both characters? Don't go all "Kill Bill" on me. Be true to the characters.
2. "Wretched, rash, intruding fool." -- This is Hamlet's final assessment of Polonius. His epitaph, if you will. What would Ophelia say about her father? Choose four words Ophelia would substitute for Hamlet's comment. Then, choose four of your own words to describe Polonius.
3. Why can't Gertrude see the Ghost? Does it signify her moral blindness? Think about and discuss other possible explanations.
1- I would stage it as Hamlet is speaking
to gertrude and he attacks polonius not knowing
it is him ant thinking it is the king or a spy.
2- Ophelia probably thinks that it is good that
her father is dead so he will not control her
any longer but at the same time she would
be very sad.
3- It could be blindness or it can be that
the ghost did something so that hamlet
can be the only one that can see him so he
can advise and see if Hamlet is doing the right
David Betshmuel
Period 4
english 4
1. I would have Hamlet yelling and screaming because thats all he ever seems to do. I would have Polonius spying on Hamlet and Gertrude because thats all he ever seems to do. Then I would have Polonius whisper something to himself just before Hamlet lashes out in his fit of rage and stabs him. After he has been stabbed, I would have Polonius laying there babbling on for ten minutes about how he is, in fact, slain using three thousand different ways of saying "I am slain" to which Hamlet would respond with a final sneaky, deceit ridden comment about Polonius.
2. I think Ophelia would use the words irrational, unreasonable, controlling and power hungry. Polonius trys to control Ophelia. He orders her around and is extremely overbearing. I would use the words devious, arrogant, manipulative and special. Polonius thinks he is being sneaky and putting the pieces of Hamlet's madness together but Hamlet is making a complete fool out of him the entire time and he doesnt suspect anything.
3. I think that Gertrude cannot see the ghost because it isnt intended for her to see. The ghost is intended for only Hamlet because Hamlet is the one who needs to avenge the death of his father. Also, Gertrude may not see the ghost because the ghost may not even exist. For all we know, Hamlet may simply be insane. I like the first idea better though.
Tori Cusick, period 4 =)
1. I would stage the killing so Polonius has a chance to fight back and at least die with some dignity. It seems like Hamlet isn't the type of guy to just murder someone through an arras, but then again maybe he is.
2. Ophelia:
"noble, loyal, wise father."
"nosey, phoney, hypocritical fool."
3. I think that it is a possibility that it signifies her moral blindness, but I also feel it's because the ghost does not want Gertrude to see him.
Jordan Rothstein
1. I would have polonious be hiding behind something even more obvious than a curtain...he kinda seems less inteligent than that...i would also have him say this huge huge huge speech about 5 pages long critiquing hamlet's way of killing him...and hemlet just keep going at him to shut him up...but polonius wouldnt stop talking until the queen kicked him or something
2. ophelia: "daughter user, stupid, even though i love him, bafoon"
erin: "incompetent, hypocritical, arrogant, person who blames everyone but himself for his dumb ideas" :-)
3. I don't think she can see the ghost because I don't think the ghost wants to be seen by her...if he wanted her to know something i'm sure he would appear to her himself...i mean he knew horatio would tell hamlet, i think thats why he appeared to him, and also it might ruin hamlets plan to kill claudious if he shows himself.
1. When Hamlet stabs Polonius I think he should still say "I am slain" because it gives the audience stage direction and it just fits him. But before Hamlet actually stabs him, i'd have Hamlet grasp polonius within the curtain and yell out to him to confess of killing his father and of all his wrong deeds to show that Hamlet thought it was Claudius. Then I would have Polonius obliviously say some statements of Hamlet's heart broken love for Ophelia and then Hamlet kills him. the end.
2. Ophelia: false, uncaring, concerned father.
Me: self-centered, oblivious, sneaky advisor.
3. I think Gertrude can't see the ghost maybe because the ghost doens't want her to see him. When the ghost tells Hamlet in Act I to not hurt his mother, I think he was inplying on not having her involved in the plan of revenge in anyway. So when the ghost appears, it's a forwarning to Hamlet to stop hurting his mother but the ghost doensn't want her to see him to keep her nieve.
Ariyani Wray
Per. 6
1.) I would have Polonius's say his stating the obvious line, but I would have Hamlet be more excited about the fact that he thinks he just killed the King. I would have Hamlet pull back the arras quickly and violently trying to discover who it was. Then I would have Hamlet express remorse for killing the wrong person.
2.) Ophelia's words: Loving, caring, protective father.
My words: Stupid, idiotic, foolish man.
3.) I think that the ghost is hiding himself from Gertrude in order to protect her. So she won't see him as a ghost and will just remember him as her heroic, strong husbond that she loved.
-Heather Gossler
pd. 4
1. It would be best to have Polonius facing the audience and then Hamlet comes up behind him and stabs him in the back. This way, the audience will ee the surprise on Polonius' face and they will be able to see Hamlet come towards Polonius directly. And for the sake of not destroying the play, I would cut out Polonius' last words.
2. Ophelia would not talk badly against her family because she loves everybody, and that is evident by her and Claudius getting it on. Eh? Eh? Eh? I think Ophelia would have said, "Oh, you poor, misunderstood, fairly-knowledgable, incest-ridden lover." I would say, "Oh you simple-minded, cowardly, back-stabbing, friend of an incest-lover whoes only in it for the money, bed hog."
3.Gertrude can't see the ghost because it came to speak only to Hamlet to tell him that he is acting in the wrong manner with his mother. This could definitely signify her moral blindness, because we haven't seen her do a moral thing yet, and Shakespeare always symbolizes stuff. She also may not see it because she is too scared from Hamlet to even look in his direction.
adam jacobs
per 6
I'm not a fan of squash
1. I would have Hamlet forcefully stap Polonius, that way it makes it seem like Hamlet really wants to kill Claudius, but oops, wrong person. Polonius would then take him at least 10 mins to finally die, because he is just that cool.
2. "kind, handsome, stupid daddy."
"conniving, pompous, evil man."
3. I think that Gertrude can't see the Ghost because she doesnt show great emotions like Hamlet does.
oooo that was me, Jenny La Van, period 6
i would have staged it like how they did in the movie, except i wouldn't have shown polonius going there to hide, or show him standing there like an idiot screaming for help. no one would stand there like a duck taling like that in real life, they would be hauling ass to the nearest exit, so in my version of the scene he would try to run away and trip over the curtain and bring it down and then hamlet would stab him however many times you want g-unit. i think that ophelia would unwillingly say the same thing about her father that hamlet did. because hamlet is right, and i'm sure that it is pretty obvious to her since she has been part of the snooping. so while she might not want to say it because it's her dad, i think that she knows it's true. four words to describe polonius; idiot, slef-centered, whatever the opposite of modest would be, and wanna-be know-it-all. i think that the ghost is invisible to gertrude because the ghost doesn't want her to see him. i think that the ghost can choose who sees him and who doesn't. he let himself be seen by the guards so that they would tell hamlet, he let himself be seen by hamlet so that he could be avenged. but there would be no gain of letting gertrude see him...except to scare her and give her a heart attack and therefore killing her which would be irnoic since he would do anything to protect her.
andrew goldstein
1. Honestly, I don't think I would change much about Polonius's death. I feel that the director hit the nail on the dot. I would make Hamlet enraged, in an absolute fit. He is always overdrammatic... why deviate? I like how Polonius was literally "hiding in the curtains". Hamlet, thinking that it was Claudius, kills Polonius instead, because of his rage. It is a perfect way to kill him off because Polonius is hiding from the situation... again. I also like how Hamlet could care less about accidentally killing the wrong man... it really shows how much he dislikes Polonius.
2. We barely see Ophelia and Polonius in the same scene. I can only remember when she is shaken up by Hamlet, and Polonius is trying to care but just can't. (But Polonius IS her father...)
Ophelia would say - Dear, sweet, innocent father.
I would say - Old, hypocritical, useless fishmonger.
I think that Gertrude cannot see the ghost because the ghost only comes to speak with Hamlet and protect her. Hamlet is much rasher to Gertrude than what the ghost wanted, and he must remind Hamlet what he was supposed to do. Another reason why she might not be able to see him is because she has already forgot about him. She was so quick to marry his brother, after his death. She forgot about their love so quickly, and it looks like she also has forgotten him. If she still loved him, maybe she would be able to see the ghost.
Shane Z.
Period 4
1. I would stage the killing so Hamlet looks like he is scared and frail, while closing his eyes, yet he is trying so incredibly hard just to be brave. Right before he stabs Polonius, I would stage him so he was turned away from Hamlet, just off in his own world, thinking about himself as usual.
2. Ophelia would say that her father was "Careful, protective, blivious guardian." I would describe Polonius as Nosey, annoying, and completely unaware of his surroundings due to his own narcisism.
3. Gertrude can't see the ghost because there is a possibility that it is not real. Hamlet might be so out there and crazy now, that he is imagining things, such as his fathers ghost. This doesn't signify moral blindness because Hamlet is most likely imagining the ghost.
Tara Miller
Period 6
1)In order for the "best" aspects of the characters to be brought out I think Hamlet would have to be very vicious to match his emotional state. The movie does it well with the multiple stabbing.I would have to have Polonius run around the room though and he would squeel like a pig when being killed. Just imagine Polonius covered in bloody drapery running around, knocking down objects in his blindness while being chased by a rabid Hamlet. Hamlet also needs to be foaming at the mouth for dramatic effect...
2)Ophelia: Oh noble, proud, and loving father!
Me: Careless, pompous , bumbling coward.
3)Ha, This was of our groups short essay questions. Anyway, I believe that the ghost chooses not to show himself to Gertrude. He doesn't want harm to come to her,imagine the state she would be in if she saw her dead husband right in front of her; she would die from shock.
I also though that it could be the purity thing like with imaginary friends and Santa Clause. Supposedly only people that are innocent or pure of heart are able to see these things and Gertrude would obviously be far from that. I don't think she is morally blind though. I understand she could be in denial but you can't be in so much denial to pretend like you're not seeing your dead husband.
BTW, I love the Simpsons picture
Norbert Per 6
1. The Queen would be waiting in the room for Hamlet to come. There's a curtain then about a 1/2 foot of space then a wall/door(because old castles are spiffy and have hidden doors everywhere like that). Hamlet will come in through the main door(not the one behind the curtain) and start "talking" to his mother. Then just as their argument reaches the point in the play where Polonius is slain the door behind the curtain would loudly creak open and there enters Polonius. Hamlet hears the door, thinks its Claudius come to(*shudders in revoulsion*) get his mother. Hamlet stabs through the curtain with his sword and there goes Polonius.
2.To be quite honest I have no idea what Ophelia would say, that's assuming she wouldn't be so shocked she could actually say anything at all. Me, however; It would have to be Drawn-out, overpompous, vile yes-man.
3.I think it's because she didn't take the time to mourn for him. Or as it is also known, remebrance. I chose this word for, if she doesn't remeber him how would she know what his spirit even resembled? It would be the same as asking a new born baby to do physics equations. Though I do agree that she is a bit morally blind. However, I still support my original idea that only the people who truely took the time to remeber the king are able to see his ghost.
Shiloh Stone
Period 4
1. To show there true characters i would have Hamelt notice polonious spying on him and ophelia because this would be the epitimy of both of them, polonious thinking he can get away with his little games and Hamlet of course having enough sense to see rite though him.
2. Ophelia never really makes herself quite clear on how she veiws her father, im sure it is not the harsh words that Hamlet has called him but i dont believe she would praise him either. as for me i would use oblivious, rude, egotistical, know-it-all.
3. I think Gertrude cannot see the ghost because the ghost, if it is honest, does not want to be seen be her. The king knows what this would do to her mental health and he still loves her so he knows not to make himself visable to her.
Emily Gold pd. 4
Sam Canez
1. I would have Polonius's hand reach out and grab Hamlet's leg right before he dies as if he were holding on to his much needed (but lack of) control on those around him. He would play the game by advising Cladius and directing Ophelia. Holding on to Hmalet while he stabbed him would signify the death of whatever control he had left... and Hamlet would pretty much just be happy abouy it. Mostly indifferent, but leaning towards relieved.
2. Ophelia : "Hasty, commanding, ambivilant father."
I think Ophelia has always kind of found direction within Polonius, though much of his advise was contradictory and made without much thought, advice is advice.
Sam: "Nosey, uninformed, controlling dummy."
3. Gertrude cannot see the ghost because even if the ghost HAD spoken to her there is really nothing Gertrude would be able to do about the situation other stop sleeping with Claudius which Hamlet has already convinced her to do... so really, the question is why would she NEED to see him? She kind of doesn't.
1. I would stage the killing as a play; there would be a player hamlet and a player hamlet. in the play hamlet would have caught polonius hiding behind a trapestry during a conversation hamlet would be having with ophelia and then polonius would cough and hamlet would plunge a dagger beneath the tapestry.
2. Ophelia would probably say about her father that he was an "overbearing, autocratic, nosy, desperate father" "Wretched, rash, intruding fool." I would call him a "pompous, nosy, thickheaded idiot."
3. Gertrude cannot see the ghost because she is morally blind, and only those who love can see. hamlet still loves his dad which is why he can see him; horatio could because a)he was loyal to hamlet and b) his soul was not tainted with what taints the souls of claudius and gertrude. she may also not see the ghost because when she accepted the courtship of her brother in law-turned husband she in a way turned a blind eye toward her past as the wife of Old Hamlet.
-masha telishevsky
period 6
1. Would have had Hamlet say something relating to his passionate hate for his uncle while he was stabbing Polonius. Then I would have Hamlet being very shocked and angry that the person he killed wasn’t Claudius. I like how Polonius reacts in the play and what he says. Maybe I would have had him say something to Hamlet about Ophelia before he was “slain”.
2. Ophelia- Inconsiderate, hypocritical, manipulative, mean
Me- Stupid, ass-kisser, yes man, cocky
3. I think the reason she can’t see the ghost is because the ghost only makes its self visible to Hamlet. It probably doesn’t his as to not disturb his ex-wife. The last thing he wants to do is make her suffer and he comes to make that point to hamlet. Another reason he might have made him self invisible to her is so that she would think Hamlet is just being crazy when he says awful things to her.
Sami Gross per 4
I might have Polonius say something arrogant before he dies such as, "I knew he wasn't crazy!" which would be ironic because Polonius was completely fooled.
"Overprotective, zelous, loving father" might be what Ophelia might say, because she does believe he's doing whats best for her, but I don't think she realizes that it isn't what is best.
I believe that Old Hamlet doesn't want to justify Hamlet's actions, as he has told him not to do what he just went and did. If he showed up then Hamlet might find a way to use that as proof to say something arrogant and further hurt his mother's feelings.
Michael Tarlow Per. 6
1) If I could stage the killing of Polonius, there are many ways that I would go about doing it, in order to accurately portray their indivudal characterisitcs. I would have Hamlet vicously attack Polonius, although he started off in the play being calm, he has turned into a raging man out to seek revenge for his father. Him stabbing Polonius countless amounts of times, and showing no sign of letting up, is extremely appropriate to the story in that it displays just how crazy and wild Hamlet has become. In terms of Polonius, him dying and yelling out " I am slain " couldnt be any more fitting to his character, even when he is dying he is STILL TALKING. I would figure that if he was just stabbed a few times, he would quietly die, I guess that I thought wrong. He dies speaking clamly, he doesnt even yell or curse at Hamlet, just quitely takes his death.
2) Ophelia last assesment of his father would be rather different then that of Hamlets. If she could choose four words to describe her father they would be dependable, caring, insightful and persuasive. If I had to choose four words to sum up Polonius character, they would be the exact opposite of Ophelias. I would describe him as decietful, manipulative, oblivious an talkative.
3) I believe that there are many reasons why Geratude cannot see the Ghost. She has commited so many sinful acts against him after his death, that she does not get the privlage of seeing her husband just one more time. Also, he does not need her to do anything for her. He is not there to have her repent for his sins, and does not need her to commit and wrongful acts. Also, she does not honestly care about his death, she has moved on and has passed the grieving period, therefore, yes it is somewhat moral blindness, because she does not wish to see him, therefore she doesnt.
1. I would have Hamlet choking Polonius, and as Polonius dies infront of Hamlet Polonius says "Me.. as I pass before your eyes, and You are scum."
2. Ophelia would say 1. scum 2. disguisting 2. un-human 3. mean 4. vile... I would say every one of those aswell. :)
3. Gertude can not see the ghost for no other reason than her mind wont allow her to, and her moral scences have taken over her. She would feel too guilty and bad if she were to see the ghost.
--jason cordova
I would have Hamlet, in one of his typical emotional highs, let passion take over and slice through the arras with a satisfied yet slightly disgusted expression. I would have Polonius, however, stay on the edge of death’s clutches and make a little speech about how sad his death is.
Ophelia would probably sugar o’er her slightly bitter words and remember her father as a proper, family-caring patriarch. However, we know that Polonius is a self-absorbed person concerned only for his family to promote his public image. Four words Ophelia would use would be “Concerned, successful, and intelligent yet pestering.” I heartily disagree however, and would call him self-obsessive, dim, annoying, and interfering.
Gertrude can’t see the Ghost because something has changed since the Ghost’s last appearance, which is that only Hamlet sees the ghost. This is possibly because the Ghost in Gertrude’s case represents faith to marriage and to values, which she simply does not adhere to. Another explanation is that Hamlet has finally gone off the edge, and the Ghost is a manifestation of his logical self. There is plenty of evidence to show Hamlet’s transition into madness – he rashly attacks the hidden person behind the arras, who ends up being Polonius, and he harasses his mother until she begs for him to stop.
Alex Ringe
Period 6
1. Okay, to start off I would have Hamlet stab Polonius once in the cheek. It sounds gross, but I think it would just emphasize how stupid Polonius sounds when he says "I am slain." He would also have to be stabbed in the stomach so he would touch his blood with his fingers just to make sure he was bleeding. Then he would be looking down at his bloody hands and say his last line to himself.
2. I think Ophelia would say something like "My dear wise father," not because she was really thinking that, but because it just seems like she would say something default. As for me, I would say "fickle, sneaky, pestering, gopher" because I think he is all of those. And when I say gopher I mean one of those people who do all sorts of favors for someone they are trying to impress.
3. I think that Hamlet is the only one who can see the ghost because it is in his mind. Subconsciously, he knows that what he is doing to his mother is wrong. So what happened is his mind sent him a message (the ghost) to remind him of his mission. He obviously does not know that it is his own mind because he wonders why Gertrude does not see it.
Layla Church Period 6
1. I would stage the killing in such a way that as gertrude says that murder line and hamlet hears polonius that he immediatly out of fright and passion turns around and just stabs him immediatly and with lots of anger as if all the anger riled up during his conversation with his mother is released into the dagger
2. Ophelia- Listening, Selfish, Caring, Classy
Me -blabbermouth, Liar, Suck up, Narrow Minded
3. I believe that Gertrude can not see the ghost because the ghost only makes himself visible to Hamlet. This way the ghost will not traumatize her wife further and also keeps the task he assigned hamlet on the down low. I do not think it signfies moral blindness.
Bradley Goran- Per 6
1. I think Kill Bill scenes wouldn't exactly fit here.... as much as i'd like them too. There was a certain calm in those scenes because they were done without emotion. His killing Polonius might very well be the climax of the entire story. I really want to capture the emotion that Hamlet has and have a certain hatred behind each stroke with the knife and show the fustration and tension Hamlet has built up throughout the entire.
2. "Always loved his kingdom"
"was very smart... NOT!"
3. I think it does show her blindness and not just that but that she has made her choice and also sealed her fate. By not seeing Old Hamlet she in a way wanted to live this life with Claudius and ignore the path. She has chosen her side and whatever the fate of Claudius is will be the same for Gertrude.
1) I have to say that the way the movie shows Hamlet killing Polonius is rether fitting for the characters. Polonius is hidding and spying. Sticking his nose into places it dosen't belong, and hidding while he does it. Hamlet looses control and in a dramatic desplay of emotion stabbs Polonius. If I do have to choose something to change it would be that Polonius would live just moments longer to hear what Hamlet really thinks of him. It would look like Hamlet was sticking it to him even more.
2) Careing- Polonius was concerned about how Hamlet's "antis desposion" effected his daughter.
Devious-THe way he used Ophelia as bait to discover Hamlet's reason for insanity.
Self-centered-Because his reason for why Ophelia should keep away from Hamlet. Any rumors against Ophelia could hurt Polonius' reputation.
politician- His concern with his reputation, his son's reputation, how the king favors him, how he spys on people and how it will only be his idea when there is nothing at risk.
3)I think that Gertrude cannot see the ghost foe two reasons. One: She, like Claudius, does want what she has from this situation. So therefore, she is moraly blind. Two: The ghost came to remind Hamlet that he needs to kill claudius and be nicer to his mother. It has no reason to make itself visible to Gertrude.
1. I would have Polonius talking a lot, as usual, and saying something that Hamlet would find offensive but Hamlet thinks that Polonius is the king and in the state of anger that Hamlet is in comes and kills Polonius.
2. Ophelia would call Polonius Intelligent, Helpful, Loyal, and Understanding. I would describe him as annoying, selfish, nosy and an ass kisser.
3. It could signify he moral blindness or it could be that the ghost was only in hamlet's mind at the time, or it could signify that she is still blind to the truth about her husbands murder.
Marvin Orellana Per.4
1. I would stage the killing so that Polonius would still be hiding in the curtain but just as he hears Hamlet approaching he would reveal himself in an attempt to stop Hamlet but Hamlet unable to control his anger would still kill him. After this incident, rather than blaming it on Polonius I would have Hamlet feel guilty.
2. Ophelia, although having some anger towards her father, would still be extremely sad. Ophelia would probably say inconsiderate yet loving father. I would describe Polonius as an ignorant annoying selfish pimp.
3. I believe that the reason Gertrude cannot see the ghost is because she is not willing to accept Claudius' sins. She does not believe all of the horrible things that Claudius has done but instead tries to justify her actions of marrying him.
Michael Ashoori
Period 4
1) I really dont understand what you mean by this question. Ill ask some people tomorrow and comment tomorrow night.
2) Ophelia's thoughts about Hamlet's comment: "Disgusting, rude, heartless bastard."
Mine about Polonius: "Snoopy, stupid, wrong place."
3) I think she can't see the ghost, because the ghost is not there to see her. He is there specifically to deal with Hamlet, thats why the ghost wouldnt talk to anyone but Hamlet. I do not think its her moral blindness, because I do not see how seeing her morals have anything to do with her husband's ghost.
Miles Silverstein
Period 4
1. i think the way Polonius dies is the best way because all Polonius does is spy and gossip on Hamlet. i think it brings out aspects of both characters.
2. i think the words Ophelia would substitute for Hamlet's comment would be a careless, unkind, watchman. i think that Polonius is just an annoying, idiotic old parrot that would do anything to kiss up to the king.
3. i think hamlet can only see the ghost because if anyone could see the ghost than old hamlet wouldnt only tell hamlet to kill claudius, or maybe because Gertrude has married her husbands brother.
Imraan Shirazi
1. I would stage the killing so that Hamlet has no idea that it is Polonius and it was either a king or a spy. Also I would have Polonius say something that is true to his character like "I am slain, but honorbly," or something like that.
2.Ophelia would say about her father "phony, kind, predictable fool." Then I would say that Polonius is a stupid, intruding, back stabber.
3.Gertrude can't see the ghost because only Hamlet can see it. That is because the ghost does not want anybody to know about Hamlet's plans to kill his uncle. I don't think it signifies her moral blindness. However it does signify Hamlet's secrecy to his dad.
-Russell Tuchman
-Per. 4
1. I would stage the killing of Polonius as Hamlet knowing it was Polonius and not caring that he killed him. Hamlet knows that Polonius is spying on him, so I would stage it as though Hamlet had a fit of rage that drew him into killing Polonius because of his rage towards his mother and Claudius.
2. I think Ophelia would say that she loves her father, but he may have been a bit controlling over her. I think she would mourn the death of her father, but also be relieved that she may now have more control over her life.
3. I think Gertrude cannot see the ghost because the ghost is a reminder to Hamlet of what his actions are suppose to be. The ghost shows up to remind Hamlet that he still has not killed Claudius and that he should not hurt his mother. Since Gertrude does not know of Hamlet's plans, it is fitting that she does not see the ghost.
carly lepp per 6
1) I would stage Hamlet as talking to Gertrude in a passinonate speech and starts flalling his arms around. Hamlet hears someone and wirls around and around with a dagger in his hands until he reaches where Polonius is hiding. And Polonius yells out that "Hamlet is mad he has gone mad."
2)Ophelia: "Cruel, low life snitching heartbreaker.'
i would say: "Self absorbed, heartless, sad crotchety old man."
3) She can not see him because she is impure. She has done wrong and the only people who can actually see the king are pure and do not go against the king. Those who still have a high regard for the king can see him but she does not seeing that she married his brother.
Laura Lascoe
Period 6
1.I agree with Sydney from per. 4 in that the only way I would maybe change the scene would be to have Polonius live just a little bit longer, so he can have stated before him how the world truly sees him.
2.Ophelia’s description of Polonius:
Pitiable, solemn, deceiving, and poor.
In the sense of being poor in life, his life had no true independent value, no substance, and therefore he was a sorry old (pitiful and solemn man).
Deceiving- I don’t even need to explain!
My description of Polonius:
Insecure, dependent, moronic, and rat-like
Insecure - he has no accomplishment of his own, he has nothing to be proud of, besides the fact that he is the kings second man, which make him the second man in his thoughts as well.
Dependent – His whole being, the once of respect he might have is all because he has a position so close to the king and nothing else, his life, family and reputation all depend on the monarchy.
Moronic – he probably doesn’t have a moronic IQ, but I think this is a very descriptive word for the way I portray Polonius.
Rat-like - in the way he feeds of others, and is as egocentric (selfish) and dirty (deceiving liar) as a rat in a sewer.
3.I think that maybe she is so much in denial that she can’t see the truth, since Shakespeare has made her denial, undeniable now. It has been there for a while, but through the scene where Gertie speaks of the player queen, it is undoubtedly obvious that she is in denial.
I also think that maybe her repetitious sins have made it impossible for her to see such a holy spirit as the ghost.
I really don’t know what moral blindness means, but she is the one whom has constantly seen the truth through the play, like horatio, but to differ from Horatio, she doesn’t really act on what she sees/realizes/knows, seeing all the truth doesn’t make her honest like Horatio, it only gives her more things she must lie about, for ignorance is bliss right?
Hannah Kaufman Per. 6
Shanley Wang
Period 6
Uno-I would have Hamlet stabbing wildly at the arras, and Polonius is saying, "ow" after each stab, needlessly and repetitively. Hamlet then says his lines while looking at his now-bloodied sword with confusion.
Dos-To be honest, I'm not really sure WHAT Ophelia thinks of her father. She would probably say that he was "thoughtful, misguided, ignorant, sad man." I call him "silly, nasty, harumphish, Iser-ish"
Trois-The scientific reason Getrude cannot see the ghost is because Hamlet is truly crazy. the other reason could be that the ghost only means for Hamlet to see him, so he doesn't cause Getrude any more pain and guilt. The third reason could be Getrude's imperviousness to the truth overall.
1. It would best serve the character development for Polonius to storm into the room with Hamlet and Gertrude, planning to "save the day", when Hamlet would stab him without realizing what he's doing. The murder should be spontaneous and feel totally out of control. Hamlet's following dialogue is his attempt to convince himself that what he did was not simply murder.
2. Ophelia would probably choose words like "Confused, well-meaning, helpless father". While Ophelia is quite aware of his numerous faults, she wouldn't be totally bitter in his passing.
My four words would probably be: "Poisoned, well-meaning, doesn't-know-any-better pawn". (Yes, Doesn't-know-any-better is a word.)
3. I think that Gertrude can't see the ghost because she doesn't want to believe that it's there. Hamlet needed to see the ghost, and for all his "why me?" bitching, he would really have no purpose if it weren't for this apparition. If you look at the characters who've seen it, they're all characters that knew something was rotten in the state of Denmark.
D Burris
1. I would have Hamlet sneak around the room after Polonius sneezes behind the curtains. Hamlet would then take out his dagger and throw it at where Polonius is and then start lashing at him. He would then unwrap the curtains and start crying.
2. I would have Ophelia say "poor, sad, stupid, father. I would say "stupid, lurking, mother F#$%@r.
3. I believe that Gertrude can't see the ghost because only really innocent, clean people can see it. For example in the scene when the ghost appears both gaurds and Horatio can see the ghost, and then Hamlet. They are all innocent but not Gertrude.
1. I would have staged it by making Polonius actually come out from the curtain and tell Hamlet off and Hamlet would go after him. That's when Polonius will start crying like a baby and screaming for help but Hamlet kills him before anyone can hear. Then Hamlet knew that it was Polonius that he was killing which wouldn't make a difference.
2. Ophelia:
Protective, Nosey, Oblivious
Annoying, Predictive, attention whore
3. I think that she cannot see the ghost because the ghost only wants Hamlet to see him. Also the ghost must know about her and his brother, so he's probably mad at her. Plus, the ghost must only trust Hamlet to do this dirty deed he wants him to do.
Dani Schwartz
Period 6 (was sick when addsigned =) )
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